Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hearts and Top Hats

It's February....one of my favorite months. Being a teacher it seems our lives are easily marked with holidays and symbols of the seasons. Those of you who are in early education know what I mean....snowflakes - January; hearts and top hats - February; kites or shamrocks- March....okay....you see what I mean.

February is one my favorite months not only because of St. Valentine's Day but also because it's the birthday of one of all-time favorite presidents, Abe Lincoln. This is the 200th year of his birth on February 12, 1809. I was first fascinated by him when I had to read about him for a girl scout program. I had to memorize a poem and then be in a skit about the time he walked several miles to return extra change that he had gotten by mistake at a general store.

I also have enjoyed reading many other stories about him as I have grown older. For those that are not as familiar with his remarkable personality, he was truly a tall man...not only in stature but in his heart. I think it's ironic that on Abe's 200th birthday we have a president who laid his hand on the same Bible with similar lean and tall features and represented the state of Illinois.

I doubt if President Obama will ever sport a top hat or grow a beard, but hopefully he will adorn his heart the way Mr. Lincoln did with fervant prayer and guidance for our country in a time of darkness.

Happy February - May your top hat be full of happy hearts ~ Sharon