Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tribute to a Beautiful Live

On November 2 Maxine Faulkner passed away from complications after falling in her church parking lot. I first met Maxine many years ago when Audrey was just a baby and we lived in Miami, Texas. The picture is from August of 2008 when she turned 100.
I was very upset that I couldn't go to her funeral.
You can read her obituary at
Maxine lived a beautiful life that honored God. Her cup was full and spilling over with love. I will miss her dearly.

Monday, September 28, 2009

One Little Song

A week ago I asked my kids at school to come with ways that use music in our lives. Besides their wonderful answers I also had pictures that they looked at to also help them discover more answers. We all agreed that "Happy Birthday to You" was probably one of the most frequently sung tunes of all time.

Last weekend when we celebrated my sister's birthday her adorable little great-nephew (who isn't even 3 yet) could all ready sing this song. Hmmm....I wonder was this the 1 billionth time it was sung?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Sign of the Cross

The other night I went over to a neighbor's house for the first time. Their home was so beautifully decorated I found myself being somewhat envious. After a few seconds of that I quickly got over myself and I noticed that they had one wall covered entirely in crosses. These were not just cheap, generic crosses but unique examples of craftmanship and artistry. As I stood looking at the crosses the words to the old hymn came to my mind:
"When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 0n which the Prince of Glory died;
My richest gain I count but loss and pour contempt on all my pride.
See from His head, His hands, his feet...sorrow and love flow mingled down. Did e're such love and sorrow meet? Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
I'm just curious....when did this start? Perhaps the first decorative crosses came from the Catholic church then the Protestants took Jesus off of the cross and continued the tradition. I'll have to research this.

Another thought.....By using crosses as decorations or for we water down the significance of the cross? Obviously anyone who died by being crucified spent their last hours in agonizing pain and humiliation.
Of course Jesus not only died in this horrible way but also took on deep spiritual pain as well as he suffered for the sins of mankind.

What are your thoughts? I'm still thinking about this. I'm sure each person would see this differently. May the sign of the cross increase your faith today.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Summer is quickly passing but with 100+ temps everyday I have to admit that Sasha and I are thinking about winter.
So far this summer I've gotten to spend time with my Audrey when she came to TX; I've been to Arizona to see Dad's relatives in Phoenix; then a quick trip to East Texas to see my best friend, Karla after her back surgery.

Tonight it was great to finally get to see mom hold all 3 of her Great Grandbabies! She was so excited. With Beau and Erica moving to Waco hopefully there will be more times ahead.
I love all of my nieces and nephews but I have also really enjoyed being a great-aunt as well.
Tim and I have been teaching a lot of private lessons. Tim is feeling much better these days - So thankful! He's decided to go back to school and finally finish his degree. So funny that this Longhorn die hard fan will be going to the new Texas AM in Killeen!
I don't know if anyone ever reads my blog or not but I always feel like I have to write something philosophical. are a few deeper thoughts....
As a Christian I really have been struggling with trying to understand how so many people in the world are believers in God but not necessarily in the same way that I understand Him. So many people are full of love and good deeds, but may not call themselves Christians. So many people call themselves Christians and are not reflective of Christ at all.....

Also as a Christian, I feel like that we must be respectful of our leaders whether we agree with them or not. When Bush was president, many of my liberal friends would send me Bush-bashing emails. Now I get 'Bama-bashing emails instead from my conservative friends. So if you send me a presidential bashing email to forward on...I won't.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

49 and Thankful

On Monday I turned 49! When some of the other teachers at school found out that I was 49 they said "You're Kidding?!?" Well either that meant I looked so young that they were astonished or it meant that they couldn't get over that they were working with someone so old!

Whichever it was I am so thankful that I have lived to celebrate my 49th birthday.

Barbie and Belinda - 2 of my dear friends that I knew growing up both passed away from cancer in their early 40's. After experiencing that, I have never been shy about telling my age. Yes, I do have a few health issues to deal with, but don't we all. So I am thankful for a beautiful life of family and friends and I look forward to the next decade of life.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Spring - Random Things that make me smile!


Seeing bluebonnets for the first time each spring always makes me smile. Central Texas is definitely a beautiful place to live in the spring. I miss seeing the dogwood trees like we had in Kilgore when I grew up, but having bluebonnets helps make up for it.


Today we went to Rosebud to see our family over there. Brad, Amy, and Brooklyn were there. Seeing Brooklyn always makes me smile. She was having fun with her new hopping-singing Easter bunnies. I love holding babies and can't wait to see my other new great-niece just born last weekend.

My Sashadog!

My siberian husky has been such a wonderful comfort for me. When our last dog died I was so heartbroken. Sasha has definitely helped me smile again. She is so sweet and gentle with children. I love watching her run and play.


Yesterday at school one of my Kindergarten classes know that I really like to color.

We were singing about Little Bunny Foo-Foo and had a songsheet to go with it. One of the boys wanted me to sit and color with him. He very carefully picked out color by color that I would need for my picture. First he handed me a green for the grass, then he told me I would need a brown for the rabbit. When I shaded one of the bushes in a light green, he immediately got a dark green and colored over it....telling me I hadn't done it right. Yes, kids make me smile!


When one is married to someone who likes to tease you all the time...well you either smile or get mad. Tim has been really sick since last fall and the constant teasing and being funny was snuffed out by his pain. Now...he is finally better. I'm definitely smiling and thanking God that Tim has come through pneumonia, mono, sarcoidoisis and severe back pain and is still able to laugh and tease.


Today we got back from Rosebud and just as I walked in the door my cell phone rang and the name on the screen was Audrey....I am so blessed to be a mother who has a daughter who calls me just to say hi...that she's having a beautiful day. I have had so many times that she has made me smile...okay...let's be and cry!

Family and Friends!

To all my family who are also my friends - thanks for making me smile with your love and kindness.

Happy Easter

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hearts and Top Hats

It's of my favorite months. Being a teacher it seems our lives are easily marked with holidays and symbols of the seasons. Those of you who are in early education know what I mean....snowflakes - January; hearts and top hats - February; kites or shamrocks- see what I mean.

February is one my favorite months not only because of St. Valentine's Day but also because it's the birthday of one of all-time favorite presidents, Abe Lincoln. This is the 200th year of his birth on February 12, 1809. I was first fascinated by him when I had to read about him for a girl scout program. I had to memorize a poem and then be in a skit about the time he walked several miles to return extra change that he had gotten by mistake at a general store.

I also have enjoyed reading many other stories about him as I have grown older. For those that are not as familiar with his remarkable personality, he was truly a tall man...not only in stature but in his heart. I think it's ironic that on Abe's 200th birthday we have a president who laid his hand on the same Bible with similar lean and tall features and represented the state of Illinois.

I doubt if President Obama will ever sport a top hat or grow a beard, but hopefully he will adorn his heart the way Mr. Lincoln did with fervant prayer and guidance for our country in a time of darkness.

Happy February - May your top hat be full of happy hearts ~ Sharon

Monday, January 5, 2009

"Tis Better to Give than Receive"

It's always sort of sad to say goodbye to the holiday season. I still haven't taken down the tree but I have put a lot of the other decorative items away. Of course it's also sad to have to say goodbye to Audrey knowing that it will be awhile before we get to spend time together once again.

As I reflect over this past holiday season, this year I saw evidence of our children getting more and more expensive gifts....more and more gifts, period! I'm sure that Santa Claus' deliveries may have been leaner in some homes, but some of the children I talked to after Christmas didn't seem to have any recession woes at all. I couldn't help but think back to my own childhood and the lessons that my parents tried to hand down.

Since most of the people that look at this blog are primarily family, then most of you know that Christmas during my childhood was not filled with presents under the tree because there wasn't a tree. I'm still not sure all of the reasons that mom and dad objected to all of the traditions but I distinctly remember them remember them teaching me to think...What are you giving someone? rather than What are getting for Christmas? or What do you want for Christmas?"

Instead of ever making out a list for Santa..(which of course we never believed in) we were asked to pick out a gift for some other child in our class or grade that perhaps was less fortunate. Now of course we were all wearing hand-me-downs and had meals that consisted of bread of gravy at times, but still we were so blessed and I never realized that our financial means were so tight.

One of my favorite memories of giving was during 2nd grade. A girl named Dawn had a single mom and I believe the mother was sick a lot. She loved to draw and so I decided that she would be my choice this year. So mom took me down to Duncan's Five and Dime Store and as I recall we bought a sketch pad, colored pencils, and other art supplies. Then we delivered them to her house. She opened the bag and I'll never forget the look on her red-freckled face: sheer surprise and elation! At that moment I learned the true meaning of the season....which is the age old words of wisdom I entitled this post....Tis better to give than receive.

So to Mom...who occasionally reads my blog.... Thank you that even though as a child I felt really sorry for myself on the day back to school after Christmas break when everyone listed their new inventory of toys....Thank you! Thank you for helping me learn this lesson.

Yes, years down the road, when I was in junior high, Dad had a change of heart regarding the usual traditions of the tree, gift exchanging and even putting lights on the house! However I don't think he ever had a change of heart that the lessons of Christ were always supposed to be about giving rather than receiving.