Thursday, September 4, 2008

Good ol' days?

Many times I get emails with sentiments of how things used to be or you hear someone say..."things are just not like they used to be." Well I certainly can identify with these feelings at times. Perhaps that is why I love to go to the downtown Temple Dollar General Store. Just walking into the very old building with its quaint musty smell, hardwood floors somehow takes me back in time to Duncan's Five and Dime in downtown Kilgore years ago in the '60's.
But on the other hand....the other day my mom mentioned how that she had to quit working back in the 50's when she was pregnant with Vern. No, it wasn't due to health reasons...but due to the fact that when a woman started showing she could no longer be out in a public job. Wow!!! It got to me thinking...maybe the good ol'days weren't always so good.

So step back to 1960 when I was born and then imagine how crazy these things would sound:

  • Barak Obama - African American Democratic Presidential nominee

  • Sarah Palin - Mother of five Republican VP nominee

  • Cell phones, computers, not to mentions families having more than one in their homes

  • The Internet - Ebay - Google -

  • Video - live feed of hurricanes, wars, Olympics brought right into our living rooms

  • Access to all kinds of music with the touch of a button

  • Having a choice of more than 3 different TV stations

  • Sonograms, MRI's, improved cancer treatments, vaccines, etc.

Well obviously I could keep typing and perhaps you've got a few of your own to add. I know that many wonderful values have been lost in these present times but I'm certainly grateful for the improvements that our world has seen.

James 1:17 - Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights